Yggdrasil: The World Tree as the nervous system

Summary: Through an esoteric devotional practice to Odin (Woden) as a path to initiation, I was led to consider the tree on which Odin hung as his own neural network, and that his 'death unto himself' as an NDE induced through psychedelics. (Ego Death)

This concept of Yggdrasil as the nervous system has uncovered a heathen approach to mystery  tradition and practice. Research reveals the human to be a complex open system with a diverse  range of relationships with flora and fauna, opening up an animistic world view. The journey  becomes developing these relationships with non human intelligences, alongside relations with non local intelligences. A multidimensional ecology of which the shaman/visionary artist must  negotiate.

I know that I hung,

on a wind-rocked tree (nervous system),

nine whole nights,

with a spear wounded,

and to Odin offered,

myself to myself;

on that tree,

of which no one knows

from what root it springs.


Yggdrasil – translated as Terrible Steed – becomes Odin's horse, a kenning for the nervous system,  which the shaman rides. As evidence by the uncontrollable movements and spasms during the  shaman's ecstatic flight. The effect of psilocybin on nervous system increases the free flowing  dialogue between regions of brain, diminishing top down control. (Non Hierarchical)

Mycelial networks aid communication between tree as well as sharing nutrients. When one tree is  suffering, others can support them using the fungal system to send them sustenance.(Mutual Aid)

Date for initiation given through ritual in woods as 22nd August 2017

Hacking the nervous system – Journeying the World Tree. 

Fungal neurotransmitters replace mammalian ones – Consciousness forced out of the body into  Hyperspace (NDE) This ritual induces an unexpected psychedelic experience, beyond mere shadow work. A visit to the Crystal Palace, instructions given and a return expected. 'I have lots of shit to  sort out' before I can come back.

They show me what I think is a blackboard, I assume this relates to a comment on my juvenile  nature or ignorance of the experience I was having. This image is later revealed to be a black  primed canvas sitting upon an easel as I start painting in my garden. Folk Graff is born




The Shaman's costume represents the human form as the world tree, with wings on their headpiece  representing the upper world an snakes on their costume for Hel. The psychedelic or altered state of  consciousness facilitates the shamans journey inwards to receive wisdom or effect change.

Date: Feb 2019

Vision from orgasm gnosis, hand with nervous system depicted, hexagon background, graphic  design representation. Unpacks into full design, resplendent with iconography encompassing the topography. Rave flyer/comic book aesthetic.

Breakdown of iconography (Wyrd issue one)

Head – wings

Chest – Soul Sigil

Groin - snake

This design is developed further in my art practice, Folk Graff. Cave art meets street art. This  reduction through, posca pen, drip paint and printmaking becomes the Denizens of Hyperspace, a  pictorial impression of the non-local intelligences that took me on my initiation. (recycled framed  art)

I am inspired to render the skull from the Yggdrasil design using 3D printing (plant based plastics)  creating a focus for working with the Holy Guardian Angel or Future Magickal Self. The occult  practice unpacks itself as it feels like I am being instructed to make the tools from sacred  communion.

Working with this concept (Operative):

Realms of the World Tree relating to Nervous system function.

Upper world - Prefrontal Cortex (Consciousness) FUTURE higher-order cognitive functions 

Middle Earth - 'stomach biome' PRESENT Vegas nerve – The gut influencing the mood and thoughts of the brain. 

Underworld - Pudendal nerve – sex/sexuality PAST Genetic memories - Ancestors

This schema offers a systemic approach to navigating the self and the universe within and without.  It sits like the 'axis mundi' as a point of reference when unravelling folklore and mythology,  anchoring one's occult experience amongst the historical metaphors of our ancestors.

Relating with self and others, moving forwards.

The sacred tree – commonality between nervous system and tree

stomach biome is a colony of fauna and flora supporting the human and human supporting them,  indistinguishable. The flora and fauna within the ecosystem of the tree holds the same complexity. 

We are left with a transpersonal animist perspective, replacing that of a discreet materialist view  point. Our interactions become less human-centric, selected trees become our sacred sites as we  open up dialogues with everything around us. We accept a much broader definition of personage  and pursue communication and dialogues with inanimate and well as animate persons.

Through this way of being we receive more information and visions that are core to our art. A new term enters our vocabulary – Anarcho-Animism.

Will Wright, he/him,  is a contemporary artist expressing his archaic visionary encounters with non-human intelligences through an array of contemporary media, including art toys, doll photography and folk graff. He is the founder and co-editor of the acclaimed occult art zine Wyrd, publishing art and articles of contemporary shamanism, occult and high strangeness, with issue one displayed at the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. A post graduate professional filmmaker and lecturer, Will has a diverse creative background spanning installation, performance and activism, exploring radical politics and magick. Current projects include a 21st century heathen guide to the Elder Futhark, whilst continuing to deepen his spiritual practice that leads his work.