Mantik Visioning: through the Wisdom of the Spectral Serpent
An invitation to experience a shared rite of passage into the liminal realms of Mantik Vision. Melissa shares visionary stories and ancient techniques that grant the translucent ability to become Seer and Sybil to our own shamanic visioning process, nurturing a retrieval of the living myth—the MythOneiric Oracle—that we hold within the inner sanctum of our being.

Through this Mantik ritual, we essentially become conduits of esoteric knowledge that flows through our personal and inter-personalised lenses and is consolidated as embodied oracular Gnosis.
In Australian Aboriginal Lore, totemic dreaming is the way of understanding where this nexus point for our own mythoneiric landscape opens, gifting us greater insight, awareness, and perspective. It serves to consolidate our sense of creative purpose, connected to the Earth and Cosmos, inspiring our embodied realisation in manifesting these gifts in our sacred Earthwalk of the present.
Melissa will lead a profound journey into a primary Aboriginal Dreaming place, Terrick Terrick, which exists both within the land of the Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples of the Kulin Nation, Australia, and simultaneously in the Dreaming realm. Melissa has received permission from her elders, who have asked her to share this particular visionary story of Terrick Terrick and the Mindai Creation Serpent.

She will serve as your emissary, Art Priestess, and initiatory guide through this sacred rite of passage, offering skillful means through breathwork, sound, automatic writing, visualisation and sigil formation, drawn from her 20 years of experience teaching Yoga, meditation, ancient Tantrik kundalini Arts, and esoteric knowledge. 

This workshop will provide a nourishing and vital alignment for creative insight and spiritual visioning and you will receive your own personal Mantik sigil for future work.
Instagram: @ the_honeybee_temple